trying to keep my wits regardless of a ‘silen

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trying to keep my wits regardless of a ‘silenhello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. everybody I myself hope that those being of the persons of you all among yourselves are, or is, well whatever, or however said be I myself speaking some, or such correct, proper, standard English grammar being of the American dialect, or not being of some, or such quality/ies, & quantity/ies, feeling at least okay, or alright if not better yet to be possibly said feeling bless than stressed, more blessed than stressed, or too blessed to possibly become, or be stressed, & regardless of how if you all are not, or is not already believers in God, but then nevertheless whereas certain ones among yourselves could possibly be like me, & could possibly play that being of the part of the-devil’s-advocate, &/or likewise, as well, or all the same however said come off like some, or such prodigal-son, & then from there be needing Deliverance after having gotten that being of the Salvation of our Lord, & Savior, the Christ, the Messiah-Deliverer, but then obviously, or evidently that being of the person of I myself, or that being of the person of my same self am needing that being of some, or of such deliverance coming from the Christ.well for one thing like say, or how you say for example with that being of the way that this one particular moron of a cowardly-bully, &/or terrorist-wannabe who is likewise a psychopath, sociopath, &/or sadist being of the likes of some sort/s, or such type/s of public-nuisances of problem-neighbors being of whom would be much more commonly called, &/or commonly known as being among those being of the much more familiar proverbial neighbors-from-hell of some, or of such characters, &/or especially this one in particular is that being of a real elstupido-dumbkoff, sicko-psycho, creep, & a weirdo among those being of the likes of his same really creepy as well as crazy kind.& whereas this same nutcase was suppose to have been kicked out of the building by that being of the persons among themselves representing the management of real estate proprietor/s, &/or landlord/s of the building here for it’s premises of properties for public facility/ies, & yet I myself suspect that this one particular crackpot, or crank has somehow gotten back into that being of the building here, & likewise back into that being of his old digs, or pad being of a place of residence of a unit’s atmosphere of an apartment as I myself am hearing once again upon a daily, &/or nightly basis for that being of the weekdays, weeknights, weekends, &/or that is including that being of the holidays that being of some sort/s, or such type/s of the same different extreme, & excessive noises being of quality/ies, & quantity/ies.& so therefore he himself would have to be a squatter of some kind, sort, or type who has, or had either jimmied the locks to both the downstair’s front, & back doors to the building as well as to that being of his old apartment, or worser yet has made that being of some, or of such duplicates, or copies of keys for both downstair’s doors to the building, & likewise, or as well to that being of his old apartment, & as any resident, or tenant would have to first of all get into that being of the building before bahis firmaları entering that being of any apartment, & therefore one would have to have a key for both the downstair’s front, & back doors to the building as well as to that being of any of the apartments, or enter within that being of the same of both by some, or such other means, unless of course there is that being of the alternative to be possibly considered that somebody else of the likes of his kind is taking that being of his place, or replacing him to come off like a really creepy, & crazy, excuse my language, &/or pardon my French, sh-_-t-head, or piece of sh-_-t, but then whereas I myself am trying to think of it being of a mind’s intentions to give him, or he himself that being of the benefit of a doubt, but with all things considered with that being of the way that this nutcase having for that being of the longest time-frame-period had got to assuming that he himself had, or has a legit personal-vendetta, or grudge-match with me, …&, being of whom needs to be put in jail, or the crazy house like say, or how you say like a.s.a.p., & then at one time, or another he himself had kicked upon that being of my apartment door whereas if I myself could have possibly gotten as in obtained, or acquired however said that being of the video film footage of the electronic digital camera outside my apartment door, & as there is suppose to be one being of some, or of such equipment as that being of the same of the previous, or prior mentioned, &/or being of the same of the said in question upon each floor level within that being of the building here for these premises of properties real estate of a public facility then I could have possibly have had that being of the personnel of police-officers, or cops to simply say come back to that being of the building to arrest his creepy as well as crazy a-_-s, but then being that because the management, &/or landlord/s of the building wouldn’t cooperate with me soon enough before that being of the storage feed of the camera were to expire upon that being of my person making that being of some, or of such a request for it whereas from there this lunatic-maniac had gotten away with that upon his part being of some, or of such unlawful, or criminally-i*****l as well as socially-unacceptable physical actions of that nature upon his own part.& whereas when it had happened that being of the person of I myself am having to run from my back bedroom, & then lean up against that being of my apartment door to my place of residence with that being of my physical body to keep this freaking-idiot loser-jerk of a cowardly-bully nutcase from coming in upon me, & at that being of the same time, or all the while I myself am yelling from that being of the inside of my unit’s atmosphere of a place of residence of an apartment that whoever is kicking upon that being of my apartment door had better stop, or else I myself am going to dial, or call that being of the emergency 911 number being of some, or of such numerical digits upon that being of my cellphone.& whereas after having done both of the two options to be possibly considered whereas that is when, &/or, the only reason why this ignorant, insane, kaçak iddaa &/or impolite, or in other words, stupid, sick, sadistic, & rude nigga, or nigger s.o.b. bastard finally had stopped that being of the madness upon his own part, & then had just simply went away, I mean imagine that, putting me through those kind of changes, attempting to harass, intimidate, &/or persecute me like that, or attempting to torture, &/or terrorize me myself with that kind of nonsense coming from he himself otherwise after all that he himself had put me through enough as it is being of the bumping, & the stomping, & when it is bad enough to have to hear all of that nonsense in the day much rather than instead of having to worser yet hear it at night, or within the evening during the late night hours, & in addition to that being of the heavy walking, & then to be included, or to accompany it being of some, or of such physical actions as that being of some sort/s, or such type/s already mentioned whereas there was that being of the nonsense of him, or he himself dropping things upon the floor/s, & dragging things across the floor/s, & bouncing things off of the wall/s, & banging upon the pipe/s, &/or etcetera being of whatsoever, or whatever else that this over-grown nutcase of an adult male of a man would go about doing whereas I myself could understand if it was an u******e-male-minor of an adolescent, or teenager of a boy, but then is a grown man carrying on like so.& whereas this black nigga, or nigger monkey savage I myself personally think that he himself of a lousy streetpunk being of whom I myself not only suspect to be of the likes of a d**gpusher, or dopedealer of a gangbanger, but then nevertheless, likewise, or as well however said suspect that he himself is some kind, sort, or type of a pantys-snatcher as in male character of a sexual-predator, a****l-monster s.o.b. bastard, & being that because of how he himself would not only be making like that being of ‘the-midnight-cowboy’ upon that being of the prowl during that being of the night, or the late evening hours throughout the building here where I myself am a resident, or tenant thereof, but then at times I myself being of that of my person would notice him coming into the building via that being of the backdoor, & like say, or how you say like practically if not possibly anytime that that being of the person of my same self could possibly be coming back from a medical facility business establishment of a local neighborhood community hospital for that being of the midwest here of the u.s.a., united states of america, & within that being of a major metropolitan city, & then whereas I myself am having to practically, &/or possibly run to that being of my apartment of a unit’s atmosphere of a place of residence so that I would not risk that being of the chance of possibly encountering some, or such of more nonsense coming from this one male character of a ‘silence-of-the-lambs’ movie-flick, or Hollywood, California motion-picture-production ‘hannibal’ wannabe being of the real life version, I mean whereas this bastard, s.o.b., mother-f-_-cker, or f-_-cking idiot is just that damn stupid, & sick, not to mention as I myself suspect he himself kaçak bahis to be kind of demon-possessed, & especially whenever I myself can, or could possibly have that being of a mind’s notion to either choke my chicken thinking about females as in women of born, & raised ones representing the opposite sex, or whenever I myself can, or could possibly watch porn being of which exploits that being of the intimacy, sensuality, or sexuality of female persons of women, or do both as I myself could possibly become subjected to experiencing that being of some, or of such of mine own demons as the lesser of two evils being of a prodigal-son playing that being of the part of the-devil’s-advocate, & whereas the worser of two evils is that being of a religious-church-hypocrite being of the likes of false-brethren, false-prophets, &/or anti-christs being of the much worser, or worcest of unbelievers, or nonbelievers being of deceivers who pretend to have become, or pretend to be believers in God, & as they themselves would likewise be therefore of those being among themselves being of the much worser, or worcest of closet-devil-worshippers being of whom make up the majority, or most church-goers being of whatsoever religious demoninations, &/or likewise being of whatsoever race/s, & from, or of whatsoever walk/s of life, faction/s of society, or lifestyle preference/s, &/or etcetera.& whereas this one particular d-_-ck-head-pr-_-ck is even much worser I myself suspect than that being of still another male character of the likes of his kind being of whom I myself have had to put up with that being of the same kind, sort/s, or type/s of actions still within another vicinity area neighborhood community, & likewise for a different building address location before I myself had moved to that being of the present one that I myself am that being of a resident, or tenant thereof, & whereas the other one previously, or prior to him was this one racist-redneck white-boy carrying on with that being of the same old thing of so much madness, or nonsense, I mean my God are, or is that being of the global community really living within that being of the apocalyptic day, & age with that being of the-doom’s-day-clock being at a quarter to midnight, &/or for this new-millennium of these rather biblically-prophetic-times when it is bad enough that real, or true believers in God being of the few would have to put up with our own demons much rather than instead worser yet be possibly bothered with, or become, or be subjected to possibly experiencing somebody else’s worser yet being of the likes of some, or of such unbelievers, or nonbelievers, …that pretty much like so sums up what that being of the person of I myself was trying to say in going about discussing these matters, & whereas I myself apologize for that being of any grammatical errors being of which could have possibly occurred during that being of the course of me, or that being of the person of I myself having thought of it being of a mind’s intentions to compose this here, & especially with that being of the way that this one particular proverbial neighbor-from-hell freaking-idiot, to put it mildly now, is still carrying on with that being of his brainless, or brain-dead nonsense, or madness, or whatever it is to be called being of this ignorance, insanity, &/or impoliteness, or in other words, stupidity, sickness, &/or rudeness upon this moron’s part, bye, peace, …

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