The gossip – ???????

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The gossip – ???????”Ti-Ti-Ti” is a fun comedy story that evolves in Sao Paulo, which tells about the professional, family and love rivalry between Andre Spina and Ariclenes Martinz, or Ari, as everyone calls it.The two were good friends during the c***dhood years and have been fighting a lot, they have been meaningless fights for the same girlfriends. The time goes by, and Ariclenesh fails to realize professionally, unlike André, who has become a popular modeling artist known to Sao Paulo’s society as Jacques Lecler.One day they meet and have a new dispute with their longtime enemy, Ari decides to enter Andre’s professional career, which strengthens the rivalry between the two. By accepting the identity of Victor Valentin, Ari enters the fashion world with the intent of revolutionizing Hot-Couture. The one who realizes his models is Cecilia – a woman with mental problems who creates elegant clothes for her little puppets. Ari does not suspect that Cecilia is the missing mother of André, which is revealed at the end of the story.In order to complicate the situation, the c***dren of André and Ari-Valkyrie and Luthy fall in love, enraging their fathers.With the advent of Victor Valentin, Jacques Lecler feels threatened. Although the famous fashion design creates more classic clothing, Viktor Valentin relies on more sensual patterns, putting them in opposite directions.Jacques Lecler creates models for selected clients and works with established professionals looking for femininity. In fact, he has a mistress, his secretary, with whom he carries out his most courageous sexual fantasies. André has a complicated relationship with his wife, Jacqueline, the manager of his studio and his right hand at work.Aricklenes, in turn, maintains a relationship of love and hatred with his ex-wife, Susannah. Editor-in-Chief of a fashion magazine, Susanna has dedicated herself to her work after divorce. A real-world adana escort professional, she can not fix the relationship with her ex-husband and they both live in constant conflicts, creating many comic situations in history.Susanna maintains a close connection with her son, Luthe, even though he lives with his father. Every month she pays alimony for it, but she knows that Aries is abusing the money.Luthy is a Fine Arts student and doing his best to help with the cost of living at home, but at the same time he disagrees with his father’s views on life. Ary asks Touti to help with the modeling of Cecilia, and he can not refuse him.Among the parallel stories in the telenovela is Gabriela – a modest and naive maiden who works as a waitress in the coffee shop at Jacques Lecler’s studio. Gabby is seduced and then abandoned by the boss’s son, the irresponsible Playboy Pedro. The one who does not like this relationship is the mother of the girl – Martha, who also had a relationship with him. Martha worked in Jacques Lecler’s atelier and lost her because of the boy.When she meets Gabriella, Pedro deals with her, as with all the women who have worked or are working with his father without suspecting that she is Martha’s daughter. To take revenge on Pedro, Gabriela thinks she is pregnant and the young man’s family forces him to marry her. It’s been months before she admitted her pregnancy was a fake, but she managed to make Pedro suffer a lot of humiliation while he fell in love with her.At some point in history, Aricklees uses Martha, who is spying on his rival Jacques Lecler.At the end of the story, after many quarrels and misunderstandings, Jacques Lecler reveals who Viktor Valentin is, and he is in fact a simple smith. He decides to expose him to the press, but then he discovers that Cecilia is his real mother and sees how well his rival takes care of her. Cecilia tries to reconcile them, but it adana escort bayan is not very successful.Source:„Ti-Ti-Ti“ ? ??????? ????????? ???????, ????? ?? ??????? ? ??? ?????, ????? ???????? ?? ???????????????, ????????? ? ????????? ????????????? ????? ????? ????? ? ????????? ???????, ??? ???, ????? ?? ??????? ??????.??????? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ???????? ?????? ? ?? ?? ?????? ?????, ?????? ?? ??????????? ???? ?? ???? ? ???? ?????????. ??????? ?????? ? ????????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ????????? ?????????????, ?? ??????? ?? ?????, ????? ?? ? ????????? ? ????????? ????????, ?????? ???? ?????????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ??????.???? ??? ??????? ?? ?????? ? ????? ?? ??? ???? ? ????????????? ?? ????, ??? ?????? ?? ????? ? ??????????????? ??????? ?? ?????, ????? ??????? ??????????????? ????? ???????. ????????? ????????????? ?? ?????? ????????, ??? ??????? ? ?????? ???? ? ??????????? ?? ??????????????? ???-?????. ????, ????? ????????? ???????? ?? ? ??????? – ???? ???? ? ???????? ????????, ????? ??????? ????????? ????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????. ??? ?? ????????, ?? ??????? ? ??????????? ????? ?? ?????, ????? ?? ???????? ? ???? ?? ?????????.?? ?? ?? ??????? ?????? ???????????, ?????? ?? ????? ? ??? – ???????? ? ????, ?? ???????, ????? ??????? ?????? ??.? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????, ??? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????????. ??????? ?? ????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??-?????????? ???????, ?????? ???????? ?????? ?? ??-????????? ??????, ????? ?? ??????? ? ?????????????? ??????.??? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ? ?????? ? ????????? ???????????????, ??????? ?????????????. ? ??????????????, ??? ??? ????????? – ???????? ??????????, ? ????? ??????????? ? ???-??????? ?? ????????? ????????. ????? ??? ?????? ????????? ??? ????????? ?? ?????? – ????????? ?? ???????? ?????? ? ??????? ?? ???? ? ????????.?????????, ?? ???? ??????, ???????? ???? ??????, ????????? ? ????? ? ??????, ? ??????? escort adana ?? ??????? – ??????. ?????????? ?? ????? ????????, ?????? ?? ? ?????? ?????? ?? ???????? ?? ???? ??????? ??. ??????????? ????????????????, ?? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ? ?????? ?? ?????? ? ??????? ?????? ? ????????? ?????????, ????? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????? ? ?????????.?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? – ????, ??????? ?? ??? ????? ? ???? ??. ????? ????? ?? ??????? ???????? ?? ????, ?? ????, ?? ??? ????????????? ? ??????.???? ? ??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ? ????? ?????? ????????, ?? ?? ?????? ?? ????????? ? ????, ?? ? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ? ???????? ? ?????????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??????. ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??????????? ?? ????????, ??????????? ?? ???????, ? ??? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??????.???? ??????????? ??????? ? ???????????? ? ???????? – ??????? ? ?????? ???????, ????? ?????? ???? ??????????? ? ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ??? ??????. ???? ? ?????????? ? ???? ???? ?????????? ?? ???? ?? ???? – ????????????? ??????? ?????. ????, ????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????, ? ??????? ?? ???????? – ?????, ????? ???? ? ????? ?????? ? ????. ????? ? ???????? ? ???????? ?? ??? ?????? ? ? ???????, ?????? ???????.?????? ?? ????????? ? ????????, ????? ?? ??????? ? ???, ????? ? ?????? ????, ????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ??, ??? ?? ????????, ?? ?? ? ?????? ?? ?????. ?? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ?????, ???????? ???????, ?? ? ???????? ? ??????????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ???. ??????? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ???????, ?? ???????????? ? ? ???????, ?? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ???????? ????? ????????, ???? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ? ???.? ???? ?????? ? ?????????, ????????? ???????? ?????, ????? ???????? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ??? ??????.? ???? ?? ?????????, ???? ????????? ???????? ? ?????????????, ??? ?????? ???????? ??? ? ?????? ???????? ? ?? ? ?????????????? ? ????? ?????. ??? ?????? ?? ?? ????????? ? ???????, ?? ?????? ???????, ?? ??????? ? ?????????? ?? ????? ? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ???. ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??????, ?? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????.?? ????????? ??????, ????????????? ????? ??????? ????????, ?? ?? ???????? ?????…

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